Never let it be said that we are too rigid to adapt! We are now on our third alpaca property and our last! Our new home and ranch here on Hwy 97 in Terrebonne is a beauty. With vista views of the Three Sisters, Mt Jefferson and Smith Rock we have the opportunity to see some of the best that Central Oregon has to offer from our pastures. Simply stated, our incredible spot is to die for! We have 18 acres of hay and another 24 acres which are either highway frontage pastures or pastures under the trees and around the barns and home. Our home is a quaint little 1911 farmhouse. The boutique building is an old potato cellar and the old barn and the hay barn are full of character. As this is the third property we have established as an alpaca ranch, you can bet we have a good idea about how we want to develop it. This will be a fun process and we look forward to that ongoing journey. Our goal is to create a property that is both inviting and functional and will serve the purposes of our guests and ourselves. This will take some time but we hope you will join us for the journey.